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Find Where You Fit!

We have several different groups and ministries within our church! Read about them below to see how you can be encouraged in fellowship and inspired to use your God-given gifts and talents in the local church.


Study Groups

Sunday School

Ladies' Bible Study

Praise & Worship

Kids Connection


Sound & Media

Cleaning Crew

The Dream Team

Joy Squad

Ignite Youth

Click the "Let us know!" link and send us an e-mail with your name and areas of interest.

We will contact you soon to get you plugged in right where you fit!

***Coming Soon: Coffee Shop***

Charlie "Buzz" Usher leads this group for all adults which meets every Sunday morning at 10:00am in our conference room for a refreshing devotional and fellowship before service

Vicky Mitchell leads this women-only group that meets on Sunday evenings at 7:00pm for an in-depth bible study and sweet, sisterly fellowship

***Any TMP Church members who would like to start a new study group should speak with Pastor Lennie***

Worship minister Betty Cheatham leads this talented group of musicians every Sunday morning and Wednesday night as they prepare our hearts to receive the message.

Adjusting the sound board and overseeing our lyric and announcement projection, this team ensures the flow of service from beginning to end.

Greeters and Ushers make up this team of warm-hearted, smiling welcomers!

From sweeping up crumbs to scrubbing toilets, every person that enters our church appreciates our cleaners!

Our Kids Connection teachers touch the future by helping to raise up the next generation in the gospel of Jesus. This ministry reaches children in 3 different classroom levels from birth to 12 years old.

Youth Pastor Joe Gremminger leads our Ignite Youth ministry team in leading young adults to Christ and encouraging them to be disciples. This group's mission is to ignite a fire for God in the hearts of 12-18 year-olds

Joy Squad exists to brighten the lives of people in our community by giving gifts and serving others. Whether it be making a meal for a sick congregation member or delivering popsicles to the skate park for National Grape Popsicle Day, the Joy Squad will put a smile on your face as you introduce the love of Jesus to the Mineral Area!

The Dream Team, led by Steve Pelak,  is more than just a team of highly creative people. It is a team that has BIG dreams for TMP Church and works to achieve those dreams by organizing and constructing new projects. Whether it be simple maintenance or a grand task, we work within our walls in order to see an impact outside of them.

If you've always dreamed of being a barista, whipping up specialty coffees and making people smile in the morning, this is the ministry for you to plug into! Nikki Fincher will be overseeing our upcoming Donation-Only Coffee Shop.

Name suggestions are being accepted!

Ministry Leaders: Lennie Fincher (Pastor), Nikki Fincher (Joy Squad), Betty Cheatham (Worship), Doug Cheatham (Sound), Lisa LaPlante (Hospitality), 
Charlie "Buzz" Usher (Study Leader), 
Joe Gremminger (Youth), Vicky Mitchell (Study Leader/Kids Connection), Steve Pelak (The Dream Team)

Ready to take the next step? Need help deciding where to get plugged in?

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